The knitted garden is for hire to art centres, galleries, museums, libraries, exhibitions, weddings, festivals and events.
The hire charges are to cover our admin, storage, insurance, travel, accommodation and time costs. Any profits will be used to fund our next project.
The hire price is for installation and take down, transportation both ways, digital copy of text panel information/press releases?images and list of workshop ideas.
The hirer insures the garden and we insure the transportation of it.
The hirer insures the garden and we insure the transportation of it.
list of items
2 trees
1 rose arch
1 climbing rose
1 climbing grapevine
multiple hanging baskets
multiple strings of hanging flowers
front of garden shed
masses of vegetables for a veg garden area
1 large green man
1 lily pond with stream extension
1 rockery
1 beehive
1 large sunflower in pot
1 large standard rose in pot
4 flower beds
1 woodland garden
1 garden made from squares and pom poms
trugs and veg boxes
1 lawn area
hens, tortoises, mole, hedgehogs and frogs
washing line of underwear
sun, moon, stars, planets and comet
2 hot air balloons
bird boxes
bird boxes
picnic area
green house
2 large scarecrows
1 large wheel barrow
1 basket of knitted toys for children to play with
2 large scarecrows
1 large wheel barrow
1 basket of knitted toys for children to play with
Please contact
Pauline Stanley
01202 392055
07729 829 209